Nulla facilisi. Aliquam malesuada sollicitudin diam, eget venenatis enim auctor placerat. Nulla congue, mauris a congue lacinia, mauris dui gravida purus, sit amet eleifend enim libero sed nulla. Praesent sodales leo a ante feugiat gravida id in lacus. Nullam at dolor vitae lorem molestie luctus in vel augue. Mauris ornare, nisi ac ullamcorper sagittis, metus odio ultricies nisl, id vehicula elit turpis id metus.
The Future of Web Design is Hidden
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce turpis dolor, laoreet eu accumsan eget, fringilla euismod arcu. Mauris varius, nibh ac euismod feugiat, justo sem sollicitudin metus, ac convallis eros quam in ipsum. Morbi hendrerit a tellus vitae scelerisque. Phasellus quis dui imperdiet, ornare elit vel, commodo lectus.
first track action in 2017
Last weekend it was time to use our company car again :-) In good spirits we left our home, with blue skies, but when we got closer and closer to the track (TT circuit Assen) it started to rain. And [...]
We will participate in DroomAutoDag!
Snippet from my personal FB page: What is the point of having 4 cars when you can only entertain only 1 child (that would be me) with it? So when the possibility arose to participate in an event to drive [...]
5900 online stores found skimming – but none of us!
On the 11th of October Willem de Groot (magento specialist) posted a huge list of magento shops who fell victim to credit card skimmers. This list included around 250 Dutch shops, and as expected none of our customers, this gives [...]
Our car is getting nearly ready.. after 5 years
last weekend i stayed away from work to 'work' on my race car. after my years in Italy i'm used to high temperatures, but even now it was a bit to hot to work on the car.. the solution? Roll [...]
OpenSSL’s Heartbleed security leak
Gisteravond is bekend geworden dat er een beveiligingslek is aangetroffen in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is het populaire softwarepakket voor het aanbieden van beveiligde verbindingen. Byte heeft direct actie ondernomen en het lek met preventief spoedonderhoud gedicht. Hiermee zijn de risico’s voor [...]